Traveling with an infant to Disney World

I’ve been thinking lately of what it’s going to be like when we take the little man to Disney for the first time.  It’s going to be weird bringing someone else along and not having the freedom to go and do whatever we want like we’ve been able to do for the past six years.  We’ve perfected our adult-only trips but now with an infant I feel as though we will be going for the first time all over again.  So I’ve put together a short list of things we’ll need to make our trip with the little guy just a little bit smoother.

These tips & tricks will help you leave more room in your suitcase and less items to lug through the airport when traveling with an infant to Disney World!

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Traveling with an infant to Disney World is a bit scary for me.  I want to make sure that I’ll have everything we need without overpacking our car full of things we won’t use.  That’ll be somewhat difficult for me since I’m notorious for overpacking, it’s kind of a problem.  So heres to hoping this list and these tips keep my packing in check on our next trip!  (yea, wishful thinking…ha!)

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1.  A backpack diaper bag

I currently have this beauty for a diaper bag thanks to so many recommendations from other mama’s.  The Ju Ju Bee bag is perfect for what I need when at home, but I know that it will be a pain to carry around at the parks.  Plus, I don’t think Chris would be too thrilled to carry around a purse-like diaper bag so I know we’ll need something different.  Right now I have my eyes on this diaper backpack because it’ll keep our hands free and we’ll be able to carry so many things in it!  Plus, it has a side pocket for wipes.  I don’t know why that’s so important to me, but it’s kind of a deal breaker if a bag doesn’t have one!

2.  A baby carrier

If you follow me on social media you probably already know that I love my Tula!  I asked Chris for one for my birthday and he definitely came through with the best gift ever!  The little man loves being carried around in it and it’s super comfortable for me.  I’ve found that wraps really bother my back so a soft structured carrier has been great for us.  I know this will be great for when we’re walking around the parks and I can’t wait to try it out!

3.  Extra diapers and wipes

Did you know that you can get things shipped to the resort you’re staying at?  This is extremely helpful if you’re flying and can’t bring loads of stuff with you on the plane.  Just make sure that your confirmation number is on the shipping label and that you will arrive within 10 days of getting your package shipped
to the resort.  Otherwise Disney will send the package back!

Ps- I’ve known loads of people who pack a large box full of snacks and/or drinks and have it sent to the resort ahead of them to help keep food costs down while at the parks!

4.  Rent a stroller

Chris and I have already decided not to bring our stroller to the parks, but if we need one we know where to get it!  If your children are older and can sit in an actual seat and not a car seat inside the stroller, you can rent a stroller from Disney.  However, if they are still in their car seat then you can rent a stroller from Kingdom Strollers.  But don’t worry, you can still rent a stroller for a bigger child from them too!

So tell me, what do you bring when traveling with an infant to Disney World?


  1. This is so helpful! I love that you always stay so true to the topics on your blog, it is one thing that makes reading your blog so interesting and I always know what to expect 🙂 I didn’t know you could have items shipped to a resort, especially if you’re staying for a long time that’s a super idea – especially for diapers and wipes since they are so heavy. I have some really cute diaper bags but I know for a fact if we did something like Disney World we’d absolutely have to have a backpack type, my one shoulder bags just wouldn’t cut it. The carriers are the best, everyone is happier: the baby is cuddled up next to mom or dad and there’s no bulky stroller taking up space. I’ll share this with our readers on Twitter & Facebook!

    1. You are so sweet, thank you! Your comment just made my night. 🙂

      I have to admit that I love all the one shoulder bags I own but after taking one to Disneyland for a day a few years back I swore I’d never do it again. My shoulders were SO sore. It was terrible. And I completely agree about the baby carriers! They definitely make life with littles easier. Thank you so much for sharing!

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