Craft a Card Thursday: 2013 Christmas Card Reveal

It’s that time of the year again folks!  The time where I get to reveal our Christmas card! Last year Chris asked me to try my hand at making our card in Photoshop, and since I was fairly new to the program I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out.  But I was pleasantly surprised at how well my vision came to life, and making our Christmas cards has turned into a fun family tradition.

2012 Christmas Card
2012 Christmas Card

The other part of the tradition (that is my favorite) is using pictures we have taken at Disney on our cards.  This year we attended Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party and planned to use the photos we took there.  They all came out great, and it was really hard to narrow it down to just two to feature.

Another thing Chris really loves about the cards we’ve done is that they have the feel of an update letter without the actual letter.  Last year we had four things that were newsworthy (that’s what happens when you get married!) and this year we didn’t have as many.  But I still wanted to update our friends and loved ones with what was going on in our lives and I was able to fit a few bullet points on it.

This years card was a little harder to make.  I knew I wanted a very traditional color scheme, but other than that I had no other idea to go off of.  One of my favorite blogs, Seven Thirty Three, has a really cute Rudolph printable and once I saw it I knew I wanted to take some of her design and incorporate it into my card.  And that’s exactly what I did!

So, without any further ado, here is our 2013 Christmas Card!

2013 Christmas Card from Crafty Wife
2013 Christmas Card from Crafty Wife

I modified it a little bit for the internet, but this is almost identical to the one we sent out this year.  And I am so happy with it!  The best part is that I make them myself and then send them off to Sam’s Club for printing.  It costs me so much less to do all of that (and drive to pick them up rather than have them shipped) which is such a plus.

Do you make your own holiday cards?  Or do you use online sites like Shutterfly that have them pre made for you?


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