Extra Padded Camera Strap Giveaway!

We did it!  We made it to 650 fans on Facebook!

A while ago, I pulled out some jeans from the washer and realized that I had left my camera lens cap in my pocket.  Going through the wash and dry cycle wasn’t a big deal for it, it was fine!  But I didn’t like the fact that I had forgotten it was in there (I’m horrible at checking pockets before I wash!).  There had to be a simple way to keep it out of my pocket and in an easy to access spot while I’m taking pictures.

Extra Padded Camera Strap

I don’t know why I never thought of it before.  It just seemed so simple.  A real, smack yourself on the forehead because it took you so long to think of this idea kind of thing. So I grabbed my sewing machine, some Pat Bravo fabric, and got to work.  This camera strap with a lens cap pocket was going to be awesome.

I love mine so much that I want to give you amazing readers a chance to win one!  It’s definitely come in handy and I really do love it.  It’s taken a little getting used to because the strap is thicker than what I normally use to accommodate the pocket, but it’s something I’m willing to take the time to get used to.

Extra Padded Camera Strap Giveaway from Crafty Wife

This camera strap is 3.5 inches wide and holds a 52mm lens cap comfortably in the pocket. It has extra padding for comfort and is made with breathable fabric so it’s comfortable to wear during the hot Summer months.

The giveaway goes until Tuesday, May 20th!  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oops…almost forgot! My favorite thing right now seems to be nature. I am finding so many bursts of color it is fascinating to capture in different lighting and settings. Other than that I definitely love photographing my Kiddies…perserving moments we share is such a wonderful things.

    1. Nature photos are my favorite too! Landscapes of any kind really. haha You’re going to have a blast taking photos at Disney, especially at night. The colors on the buildings are just incredibly beautiful!

    1. Vacation photos are the best! I just love capturing those memories and taking them home. 🙂 And of course, blogging photos are awesome as well!

      1. Thank you, Carrie! Photos of people are the hardest for me (because they’re always moving) but yours are always so great!

  2. I love taking pictures of just about everything, honestly. I haven’t really gravitated toward anything in particular right now. I can’t wait to go on vacation with my new camera (when I get it), I’m so excited!

    1. Vacation photos are some of my favorite photos to take! It’s probably just the change in scenery but vacation photos are always the best. I can’t wait for you to get your camera!

    1. I love pictures of kids! Some of my favorites are looking at how much my friends kids have grown. What great treasures!

  3. I take tons of photos, especially of my “boys” (they’re teenagers now) – also of my crazy cat and of the gorgeous Texas bluebonnets. Your camera strap is so clever!

    1. Thank you so much! I take a lot of photos too. I’m going to need an external hard drive to hold them all at some point! haha

    1. Even before I got my SLR I took pictures of everything! It used to drive my husband crazy too, but now I think he’s just used to it. haha

  4. Oh this strap is SO cute… thanks bunches for the sweet chance! My fav subject will always be my little man Jax, even though most all the pics of him now are of him running the other direction. Lol)

    1. Thank you so much! haha I love taking pictures of my 8 month old niece, but she’s starting to crawl away from me too. 🙂

  5. My favorite thing to photograph is definitely my children. Even though they’re getting to very hard ages where they don’t want to sit still for pictures! Photos of your children can never be replaced and I feel you can never have enough!

    1. I completely agree! I think taking photos of your family are the most important pictures you can take. 🙂

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