Four Seasons of Marriage: Summer Picture Update

Do you remember my post last week about seasonal pictures the first year of marriage?  If not, you can find it here.

Our original idea was to buy pirate hats and have the picture taken at Magic Kingdom while wearing them.  We thought it would be such a cute picture because it would represent us getting engaged in front of the Pirates ride last summer.  But once we got to the park and started looking at the hats we couldn’t find any that we liked.  It was fun trying them on though and laughing at how ridiculous we looked though!  I only wish that I had snapped a picture of Chris wearing Jack Sparrow’s hat.  Now that was a sight to see!
Chris took the picture, that is why it is blurry!
Since the Pirate idea was a bust we decided that maybe hats just weren’t in the cards for the summer picture.  Since Chris was sick before we left (you can read about that here) he wasn’t able to get a haircut so he was wearing his favorite Long Beach hat around the parks.  I figured that our summer picture would look better if he was wearing his “normal” hat and I was wearing nothing on my head.  I also figured that our fall picture is going to be something really fun (hats included!) so it would be okay to not wear a hat this time around.
When we got to Epcot on Sunday we were on the lookout for a photographer to take our picture in front of the ball.  I don’t know if they were on their lunch break or what but we couldn’t find anybody!  So Chris decided that we’d take the picture ourselves and see how it turned out.  These are the two that came out:
Picture One
Picture Two
Personally, picture number two is my favorite.
After walking around for an hour or so we found a cast member that was taking pictures.  He was so funny and extremely nice so I felt completely at ease as he snapped away on the camera.  Usually the photographers snap them quickly and are done but he was taking his time.  I looked up the Disney Photopass Pictures online and took a picture of them with my phone.  They’re a little bit blurry but you’ll get the general idea.
My initial thought was that I liked the ones that were taken by the cast member because all of the pictures will look uniformed when I finally hang them on the wall after our one year anniversary.  But I also really like the ones Chris took on his iPhone.
So, once again readers, I need your help!  Which picture do you like best?  Help me decide!


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