Three Ways to Invest in your Photography
You know, I’ve been using my DSLR for over two years now and I still consider myself a beginner. It’s not like I haven’t practiced, learned new techniques, or even bought new equipment. Because I have. But I still hesitate to call myself an amateur photographer, because I have so much more to learn.
And that’s the funny thing about photography, you’re never done learning. There is always something new to try or a new photography “trend” that is on the rise (bokeh anyone?). If you want to get better at taking photos, you need to invest in your photography and yourself. Which is actually much more simple than it sounds!
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While I truly believe that there are simple and inexpensive ways to invest in your photography, I also know that you have to spend money to make money. Photography is not an inexpensive hobby, and you truly have to be willing to put in the time, effort, and (yes) money to get better at it. My poor husband has learned the latter the hard way. I can’t help that I have a lens problem! I always seem to want a new one. It’s becoming an issue….
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But, enough about my lens fetish. Here are my three favorite ways to invest in your photography.
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1. Take a class
If you’re a blogger and are part of the Social Fabric network you should check out their classes on photography. There are so many useful tips that will propel your blog photos to the next level! If you’re not a blogger (or even if you are!), Craftsy has so many great photography classes that you can check out. Depending on what you like to shoot (ie: portraits, landscape, product, etc) there is something for everyone! There are even some free ones that you can take, and I highly recommend this one if you love shooting portrait photography!
They also have a Mobile Photography: Perfect Photos in Your Pocket class right now, which is perfect for those of you who want to step up your Instagram game or just learn how to take better pictures with your smartphones!
2. Upgrade your equipment
It’s no secret that I love to lust after really expensive camera lenses. Currently I have my eye on the 24-70mm Nikkor lens that’s $1800. I’d have to sell part of my soul to buy it, but a girl can dream! Right?
But in all honestly an upgrade can be a really good thing! Especially if you’re doing it for your business (blog or otherwise) because it’ll open new doors on what kind of shots you can do with your camera! Are you looking to start taking portraits? A prime lens is great for that! Want to do close-up food photography? You should check out a macro lens. Are you having trouble getting enough light on your subjects? An external flash
or reflectors may be the answer to your problems! Upgrades can help you not only achieve better photos but also help you have less work ahead during the post-processing process.
3. Buy a mentor session
Is there a photographer in your area whose work you really admire? Sometimes those photographers offer sessions where you can shoot with them for a few hours. They may have options to either sign up for a group or solo session, so pick whichever one is right for you! Sometimes you may even get to go on a shoot with them and be able to watch how they interact with their clients! As someone who struggles to get people to feel comfortable in front of the camera, watching how someone else interacts with clients would be a huge asset to me!
Interacting with someone who has more experience than you is so beneficial. Not only will it help you get better but you may also strike up a good working relationship with them! And if that happens you may find yourself collaborating with them on occasion. And how great would that be?
While there are numerous ways to invest in your photography, these three are my favorites. Simple investments can make a big impact, and you don’t have to spend a ton of money to get better at something.
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