My Top 5 Items to Buy Before Going to Disney
Over the years I feel like I’ve gotten pretty good at packing when it comes to a Disney vacation. Don’t get me wrong, I still overpack by a ton, even worse now that we have a little one, but I know that over time I will continue to get better and better. As always, I always try head to the store to get items to buy before going to Disney. It helps us save some money and I also feel like I’m a little more prepared when I buy those items ahead of time.
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When it comes to traveling to Disney my motto is that it’s always better to be overly prepared. Chris probably disagrees, but I would hate having to get to the parks and then leave to find a store because I forgot something. I want to spend as much time at the parks as possible, just like everyone else! So, these are my five items to buy before going to Disney.
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Pack of 10 Ponchos
I usually like being over prepared to a fault, and so I always end up bringing pre-bought ponchos on our Disney trips. Chris and I love the disposable kind because, if they rip, we can always throw them away. They’re a little over a dollar each instead of paying an arm and a leg for the ponchos at Disney. Seriously, those things are expensive!
Brita Filtered Water Bottle
Many people say you need a filtered water bottle for drinking the water out of the fountains at Disney, because the water is gross. Honestly, I’ve drank the water filtered and not, and I don’t taste any difference. Nevertheless, when I found out I was pregnant I decided to just go ahead and a get a filtered bottle. It is a lifesaver! You can fill it up at the fountains and you can also pour your ice water from the quick service locations in it! We love using ours and carry it everywhere.
Chris gets terrible blisters on his feet when we’re at the parks. We learned the hard way that it doesn’t matter what shoes he has on, he always gets them. Once I got smart about being proactive about Chris’s blisters he hasn’t had a problem. We bought a huge role of Moleskin and keep it in our Disney luggage. It helps him so much and his feet are very thankful for it.
Portable Cell Phone Charger 
Chris and I are constantly on our phones while in the parks to look up ride wait times, show times, Fastpasses, and (of course) to take pictures. Because cell service is not the best at Disney, our batteries drain quickly. And we’ve learned that it really stinks having a dead phone with you while inside the parks. While the Magic Kingdom has some areas where you can charge your phone, it’s actually much more practical to bring a portable charger with you so you can charge it on the go. We have two and love them!
Who doesn’t love snacks? I honestly could eat Disney food all day every day, but doing so would drain my wallet and expand my pants size (no joke, twenty churros each day would be glorious, but my thighs wouldn’t appreciate it as much). One way to get around paying for food at Disney is to bring snacks to the resort. And the easiest way to do that is to order from Garden Grocer (who brings your order to you at your Disney Resort) or order off of Try Amazon and have it waiting for you at check-in! Either option works, and they’re both so convenient!
When it comes to Disney vacations my goal is to stay at the parks for as long as I can. With a little one I know that those late nights might not be possible anymore, but we will make the most of every minute inside the happiest place on Earth. And that does not include running back and forth from the resort, to a store off-property, and then back to the parks.
Do you have items you like to buy before going to Disney? What are the must-buys on your list?