July Photo Challenge: Week 4

So, I ended up skipping last weeks update about the photo challenge due to lots going on around here!  All the sudden life got really crazy and hectic (the good kind) and the challenge just fell to the wayside.  But now I am back with the final photos from July and I cannot wait to share them with you!

Let’s get started!

Get out from behind that camera! Photo challenge


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Photo Prompts:

  • July 20: ISO 400
  • July 21: Close-up
  • July 22: Colorful
  • July 23: Blurry Background
  • July 24: Indoors
  • July 25: Framing
  • July 26: Movement
  • July 27: Different Angles, same picture
  • July 28: In the Shade
  • July 29: Contrasting Colors
  • July 30: Self Portrait #3

ISO 400:

Home Sweet Home.  This Summer Wreath is so welcoming!
Home Sweet Home. This Summer Wreath is so welcoming!

close up


Blurry Background:
blurred background


Easy Framed Picture Display by Crafty Wife
This is a recent project I did, and I loved the way the pictures of it came out. I’ve finally figured out how to get great lighting in my apartment for pictures!



Different Angles, Same Picture:
same picture different angles

In the Shade:

This is an upcoming blog project (look for it on Monday!) that I recently did.  It was a nice enough day to work on it outside on the back deck and had the perfect lighting for pictures!
This is an upcoming blog project (look for it on Monday!) that I recently did. It was a nice enough day to work on it outside on the back deck and had the perfect lighting for pictures!

Contrasting Colors:

I was walking home and looked up to see these amazing teal chairs on a neighbors deck!  I love how the color pops out against everything else that is there.
I was walking home and looked up to see these amazing teal chairs on a neighbors deck! I love how the color pops out against everything else that is there.

Self Portrait #3:

I really needed a headshot for my business cards, so I asked Chris to take this one for me!
I really needed a headshot for my business cards, so I asked Chris to take this one for me!

And that is it for our July photo challenge!  Did you follow along?  How did you do?



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