Getting Over Photography Burnout

To be completely honest with you I have taken a small hiatus from photography these past few months.  Part of it was because I was suffering from horrible morning sickness and the other reason was because I’d just become uninspired.  I don’t feel the need to carry my camera with me on walks anymore, or pick it up and just practice a little bit every day.  I’m drained.  Worn out.  Tired. How do I change those feelings?  How do I regain that spark again?

Have you ever suffered from the dreaded photography burnout? Are you suffering now and don't know how to get out of it? Today I'm sharing four tips to get that lovin' feeling back when you pick up your camera!

This month I’m going to try a few things to get that lovin’ feeling back.  No matter what situation you’re in burnout is no fun, but hopefully it’s easy to overcome with just a few easy steps!  These are the things I’m going to try…

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heart  Photo Prompts

You may remember my photo challenges that I participated in last year or you may have joined me in them.  I really think I need to get back to that.  I probably won’t jump in to the photo-a-day challenge but I definitely will be trying some version of the challenge.  Just easing myself back in to it so I don’t get burned out again!

heart  Get Inspired

Have you ever suffered from the dreaded photography burnout? Are you suffering now and don't know how to get out of it? Today I'm sharing four tips to get that lovin' feeling back when you pick up your camera!

When I was suffering through the morning sickness of the first trimester, my house suffered.  Cleaning was put on the back burner and the house was an absolute disaster.  It was hard to want to pull out my camera when everything around me was a mess!

You’re much more likely to be inspired when you surround yourself with beautiful things.  I’m talking about a vase full of fresh blooms, a new necklace or scarf, or anything else that makes you happy.  I find myself much more willing to pull out my camera when the flowers I bought are finally blooming in their vase or when I find a gorgeous trinket at a store that is put on display in my home.

heart  Go Explore

Get outside and do something!  Go on a nature walk, explore your hometown, watch your kids play outside, or just sit on your back deck and watch the sun set.  Changing your surroundings could be just the thing you need to get out of that photography rut you’re in!

heart  Focus on one thing

Have you ever suffered from the dreaded photography burnout? Are you suffering now and don't know how to get out of it? Today I'm sharing four tips to get that lovin' feeling back when you pick up your camera!

Each week pick a different aspect to focus on when it comes to photography.  Use one kind of lens for a week, a camera setting (ie: aperture, shutter speed, etc) for another, and pick a specific setting (ie: indoor, sunset, etc) to go to for another week.  If you focus on one thing each week you’ll soon have a good grasp on all the things your camera and lenses offer!

So, what do you think?  If you’ve ever suffered from photography burnout how did you get past it?

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