My WDW Camera Bag Essentials

Disney photography is one of those things that I just sort of fell in to.  I had originally wanted a camera to document our trips to Disney and to better my blog photos, and once I started to learn how to use my camera I fell in love.

My WDW Camera Bag Essentials

My favorite types of photos are Disney ones.  It’s fun using all my different lenses and other equipment to capture unique pictures of different locations inside the parks.

1.  Lowepro Backpack: Chris was really adamant about having a backpack that would be difficult for anyone else but us to get in to. This backpack has a rear zipper and can hold up to four lenses along with your camera body!  It’s perfect for me since I still don’t have a ton of lenses and that provides plenty of storage for the few lenses that I do currently have.

My WDW Camera Bag Essentials

2.  Telephoto Lens: I currently own the 55-200mm lens and I love using it for shows and parades to be able to get up close and personal with my favorite characters and gorgeous details.

My WDW Camera Bag Essentials

3.  Wide angle lens: I originally bought this lens for dark ride photos, but now use it for fireworks shows and getting up close and personal with some Disney landscapes!

4.  Prime lens: I actually haven’t used my 35mm at Disney yet since I just got it for Christmas, but I am so excited to go back to the parks and try it out!  With an f/stop of 1.8, I’ll be able to better capture dark ride photos (hopefully) and get some fantastic portraits while inside the parks!

My WDW Camera Bag Essentials

5.  Mefoto Tripod: Mostly used for self-portraits within the parks or nighttime photos, my tripod is a must-have item when traveling to Disney.  I like the fact that the mefoto travel is lightweight and doesn’t add much weight to my backpack.

6.  Neutral Density Filters: Fireworks photos were the bane of my existence, until I learned about these handy little filters.  ND filters reduce the amount of light that comes through your lens, which is why it makes it easier to photograph fireworks.  I tend to only use them for fireworks but there are many other things you could use them for!

So, those are the camera essentials that I lug around on every Disney trip!  What equipment do you take with you on trips?  Any favorites that I haven’t mentioned?

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